An ever-expanding library of Novum knowledge at your fingertips
Experience the culmination of over 20 years of earth retention innovation with Novum Wall. Explore the resources below and start building stronger today!
Preliminary Wall Sections
Gravity Walls PDF
Friction Connection MSE Walls PDF
Construction Details
Typical Gravity Wall Section PDF | DWG
Concave and Convex Curves Gravity Layout PDF | DWG
Leveling Pad and Step Details PDF | DWG
Block Setback Options PDF | DWG
Inside 90 Degree Corner - Abutted Option PDF | DWG
Inside 90 Degree Corner - Interlaced Option PDF | DWG
Outside 90 Degree Corner PDF | DWG
Design Information
Infill Weight Calculations PDF
Product Data Sheet PDF
SRWall Software - Project File Template for Gravity Walls PRJ
SRWall Software - Project File Template for MSE Walls PRJ
AutoCAD 3D Block Models DWG
SketchUp 3D Block Models .zip
Testing Reports
Block to Block Interface Shear Report PDF | Summary PDF
Blocks with Geogrid Inclusion Interface Shear Report PDF | Summary PDF
Friction Connection Strength with Miragrid 3XT Geogrid Report PDF | Summary PDF
Friction Connection Strength with Miragrid 5XT Geogrid Report PDF | Summary PDF
Friction Connection Strength with Miragrid 10XT Geogrid Report PDF | Summary PDF
What kind of retaining walls can I design with Novum Wall?
Novum Wall blocks can be used to construct gravity, mechanically stabilized earth (MSE), and hybrid walls.
How high can I design retaining walls with Novum Wall?
Novum Wall’s sweet spot is 4-6-ft (1.2-1.8 m) gravity walls, but two geogrid anchor options allow you to build higher (mechanically stabilized earth) MSE walls, depending on site conditions. Offering batter options of one and five degrees, you can create a wall that works specifically for your site scenario.
Does Novum Wall work in water?
Yes! In addition to being an excellent solution for stabilizing and retaining slopes, Novum Wall blocks can be used to create lake and river walls, stormwater channels, and detention/retention basins. The wet cast concrete technology used in Novum Wall’s production process is incredibly durable in marine conditions and freeze-thaw cycles.
Why is Novum Wall better than a drycast segmental retaining wall (SRW) product?
Unlike traditional dry cast SRW solutions, Novum Wall offers strength and elegance. With its engineered block dimensions, you can build stronger, more durable walls without heavy equipment. Dry cast products enjoy speedy production, but projects lose any time advantage gained when it’s time to hand set the blocks. And you won’t just miss out on efficiency with dry cast SRWs, you’ll sacrifice a natural look and texture your clients desire. Novum Wall uses a wet cast production process to deliver rich, deep textures that mimic the beauty of natural stone, providing an unmatched aesthetic that installs without backbreaking labor and lasts in even the harshest conditions.
Can I install Novum Wall solutions with Redi-Rock?
Novum Wall is not designed to integrate with Redi-Rock on the same wall but is an exceptionally complementary product. Have a site where you need both large- and small-scale walls? Use Redi-Rock and Novum to create separate walls with natural-looking, consistent face textures. Novum Wall’s textures were created to complement Redi-Rock’s rugged good looks.